静态站点悖论「The Static Site Paradox」

静态站点悖论「The Static Site Paradox」
为什么专业的软件工程师往往使用简单的静态 HTML 网站(如 Github Pages),而普通用户却依赖复杂的内容管理系统 CMS (如 WordPress)。
- 一个是用 PHP 编写的复杂 CMS,需要一个网络服务器、多个工作进程、一个 Redis 缓存和一个 SQL 数据库。该网站还有一个大型的前端组件,以单页应用的形式加载,然后通过请求 JSON 形式的内容来执行导航,随后在客户端进行“渲染更新”。
- 另一个只是纯静态 HTML 文件的集合,配有一部分 CSS、JavaScript 文件。
简而言之:一个是依赖 PHP、SQL 数据库、Redis 缓存和单页应用的大型 CMS 站点,另一个则是纯静态的 HTML 和 CSS 文件。虽然我们可能认为普通用户会选择简单的静态站,而专业开发者更倾向于复杂的方案,但实际情况却完全相反。
尽管这很奇怪,但其实原因并不难理解,搭建一个 WordPress 博客比自己摸索清楚所有中间步骤要容易得多。为什么这么说呢?比如我现在要搭建一个静态网站,就需要如下步骤:
- 购买域名
- 找到一个托管平台「阿里云、谷歌云等」
- 配置 DNS「域名解析」
- 找到一个静态站点生成器(或完全手工制作所有内容)「hexo、vuepress」
- 学习如何设置一个部署流水线
简而言之:因为普通用户难以掌握配置静态网站的多个步骤,如购买域名、配置 DNS、选择静态站点生成器(SSG)等,反倒是复杂的 CMS 系统提供了一键式的解决方案,比如 WordPress。
因此,尽管我们程序员可以享受 GitHub Pages 或 Cloudflare Pages 等提供的免费托管和自定义域名支持,避免了额外费用。但普通用户却被一群贪婪的小丑困住,他们让用户为每一个细节付费,同时耗费大量计算资源来渲染本来 99% 情况下可以是静态网站的内容。
然而,普通用户被迫为这些过度复杂的解决方案支付高昂的成本,并且这些系统消耗了大量不必要的计算资源,尽管 99% 的情况下,静态站点就足够了。
上周,我在厦门 Bornforthis 会议上发表了关于我编写 HTML 语言服务器的经验。大部分演讲内容是关于在实现语言服务器时应该采取(或避免的)策略性建议,但我以一个更高层次的观点作为演讲的结尾,也将其作为这篇博文的结尾。
当我无意间发现 SuperHTML 时,我发现它是第一个为 HTML 提供诊断报告的语言服务器。作者写了一篇博客文章,登上了 Hacker News 的头版,没有人纠正 Loris Cro,所以你可以相信它的真实性。
起初我觉得这挺有趣,但深入思考后,觉得其实有点令人惋惜。尽管确实有代码检查工具存在,人们也可以在编辑器中获得诊断信息,但这些工具通常绑定于特定的前端框架,而非纯 HTML,这导致人们即使不需要框架带来的复杂性(也就是不需要使用框架的功能)也会选择使用它们。
In front of you are two personal websites, each used as a blog and to display basic contact info of the owner:
- One is a complex CMS written in PHP that requires a web server, multiple workers, a Redis cache, and a SQL database. The site also has a big frontend component that loads as a Single Page Application and then performs navigation by requesting the content in JSON form, which then gets “rehydrated” client-side.
- The other is a collection of static HTML files and one or two CSS files. No JavaScript anywhere.
If you didn’t know any better, you would expect almost all normal users to have [2] and professional engineers to have something like [1], but it’s actually the inverse: only few professional software engineers can “afford” to have the second option as their personal website, and almost all normal users are stuck with overcomplicated solutions.
Weird as it might be, it’s not a great mystery why that is: it’s easier to spin up a Wordpress blog than it is to figure out by yourself all the intermediate steps:
- Buy a domain
- Find a hosting platform
- Configure DNS
- Find an SSG (or handcraft everything yourself)
- Learn how to setup a deployment pipeline
And so, while we software engineers enjoy free hosting & custom domain support with GitHub Pages / Cloudflare Pages / etc, normal users are stuck with a bunch of greedy clowns that make them pay for every little thing, all while wasting ungodly amounts of computational power to render what could have been a static website in 99% of cases.
Last week I spoke at SquiggleConf in Boston about my experience writing a language server for HTML. Most of the talk is tactical advice on what to do (or avoid) when implementing one, but I concluded the talk with a more high-level point, which I will now report here fully as conclusion to this blog post.
When I published SuperHTML, I discovered that it was the first ever language server for HTML that reported diagnostics to the user. I wrote a blog post about it, it got on the frontpage of Hacker News and nobody corrected me, so you know it’s true.
I originally found it a funny thing, but thinking about it more, it’s a bit sad that this is the case. Linters do exist, and people can get diagnostics in their editor, but that’s usually tooling tied to a specific frontend framework and not vanilla HTML, which leads to people opting to use frameworks even if they don’t really have a real need for all the complexity that those frameworks bring.
And that’s bad in my opinion. Not because of an abstract appreciation for simplicity, but because the web doesn’t belong just to software engineers. The more we make the web complex, the more we push normal users into the enclosures that we like to call social networks.
Don’t you find it infuriating when lawyers and accountants fail to clarify how their respective domains work, making them unavoidable intermediaries of systems that in theory you should be able to navigate by yourself?
Whenever we fail to make simple things easy in software engineering, and webdev especially, we are failing society in the exact same way.
This is not something that startups or big tech can solve for us, their economic incentives are just too misaligned, so I invite you all to help make the web more accessible, partially as a matter of taking pride in our craft, and partially because the web used to be more interesting when more of it was made by people different from us.
这是一篇关于个人博客的文章,作者 Loris Cro 讨论了一个看似矛盾的现象:为什么专业的软件工程师往往使用简单的静态 HTML 网站(如 Github Pages),而普通用户却依赖复杂的内容管理系统 CMS (如 WordPress)。
作者用两个例子进行了对比:一个是依赖 PHP、SQL 数据库、Redis 缓存和单页应用的大型 CMS 站点,另一个则是纯静态的 HTML 和 CSS 文件。虽然我们可能认为普通用户会选择简单的静态站,而专业开发者更倾向于复杂的方案,但实际情况却完全相反。
作者指出,这种现象并不奇怪,因为普通用户难以掌握配置静态网站的多个步骤,如购买域名、配置 DNS、选择静态站点生成器(SSG)等,反倒是复杂的 CMS 系统提供了一键式的解决方案,比如 WordPress。
而另一方面,许多软件工程师能够通过 GitHub Pages 等平台免费托管静态站点,避免了额外费用。然而,普通用户被迫为这些过度复杂的解决方案支付高昂的成本,并且这些系统消耗了大量不必要的计算资源,尽管 99% 的情况下,静态站点就足够了。
在文章的后半部分,作者介绍了他在波士顿 SquiggleConf 会议上分享的一项成果 —— 他开发的 SuperHTML 语言服务器。这是首个为 HTML 提供诊断功能的语言服务器,它为用户提供编码问题报告。
然而令人遗憾的是,虽然 HTML 的原生简洁性应让更多人使用它,许多人还是依赖复杂的前端框架,即使他们并不真正需要这些框架带来的额外功能。
作者借此批评了软件工程师对复杂性的盲目追求,认为这类似于律师或会计行业故意设置的 “门槛”,让外行人难以涉足并依赖他们的专业服务。这种技术壁垒阻碍了普通用户参与互联网创作的机会。
原文的表述更激烈:“普通用户却被一群贪婪的小丑所困,这让他们为每一件小事付出代价,同时浪费大量的计算能力在 99% 的情况下呈现静态网站。”
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